Many internet service providers and email providers have filtering systems or mail blocking in place to protect you from unsolicited or unwanted email. Unfortunately, these same systems often prevent email that you want to receive from reaching you! White listing our email addresses will ensure that the email you have requested from us will reach you.
Please follow the instructions below for your required email client.
Generally, all you need to do is to add the below email address to your address book:
[email protected]If you are using spam filtering software, you should also enter the above email address into your filtering software white list, according to the specific instructions for the software you are using.
URGENT – Your email address – potential delivery problems
Unfortunately, even after whitelisting it is sometimes necessary to use a different or new email address to ensure you receive everything you need to. If you haven’t received our ‘welcome’ email we suggest you get a free gmail or googlemail account (we use these and haven’t had any problems).
Please try to avoid using a Hotmail or Yahoo email address because they block far too many emails. You can get a free Gmail or Google mail (they’re the same & the name they use depends on the country you’re in) from